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Page Revision: 2011/09/12 11:29

Why do my P&L calculations look wrong in markets that have different price formats between the front and back months?
Is there a limit of windows you can have open at one time?
What phones or mobile devices does the mobile version work on?
Can I run T4 through a Mac OSX platform?
What information is required to run the T4 Desktop Application behind a corporate firewall/internet proxy?
What are the minimum requirements to run your system?
Is your trading application available in languages other than English?
I tried installing software after downloading but I get an error message which says, "Installer integrity has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact installer's author to obtain a new copy."
I’m getting an error message that says “.NET failed to install, T4 was unsuccessful in loading”
How would I send you log files?
Where can I go to get a trial version of your software?
What is the wireless host for trading on the trading floor?
What do I do if I get locked out from too many failed login attempts? And how many attempts before I get logged out?
How do I get started writing to your API?
I was checking my user sessions under the mode header and some of the modes say “executeandquote” and some say “executeandquotepro”. What does this mean?
Why do I see a different opening price on my quote board versus the opening price on the chart?
[Question 17|I have a client who is using a SIM login to develop an API strategy. He tells me that he needs a license key to proceed? Can someone please inform me of the limitations of developing in SIM? Is there a license key needed? ]
Why am I unable to hear alerts on the Desktop version?
Do you offer user guide that I can access quickly while trading and not have to go to your website?
Why do my positions and P&L disappear at the end of the day?
Do you offer user guide that I can access quickly while trading and not have to go to your website?
Do you offer any information on how to use your Market Profile?
Does the Exchange hold the legs of an Auto OCO order?
Do you offer anything to keep me from trading with myself?
I tried to use the flatten button, and instead of flattening positions, it will either add to my current position or reverse my position instead of closing it out. Why does it do this?
After I save my settings and then log back in I can’t resize or adjust the windows to fully display.
Does T4 have the ability to place Iceberg orders?
Are settlement prices posted in the Liffe Exchange for spreads?
When setting up customer with day and overnight margins, at what time do the overnight margins begin and end?
After setting up a new client we received an error message. When they try entering in an order the message says "Rejected, incomplete instruction details". Can you explain from where this message originates and how to correct it?
If I logout of my application, will my day orders and stops continue to work?
I try to login to the mobile version on my Ipad and when I login it says “loading settings”, and after five attempts it locks me out.
While using Stochastic on a chart how many bars are in the calculation?
How do I access my previous day’s orders and fills?
I was examining the Administrative Log for the Live account we're trading and I noticed something like a 25 second disconnect with the previous connection status being changed to: ServerMessageBacklog. What does that message mean?
While trading in the Eurex I notice that my P&L is a plus 1,060 but my total P&L is showing plus 1493 why is that?
While trading on T4 I try to submit an order but everytime I do my mouse jumps to the scroll the market up arrow and clicks it?
When pulling up the weekly options I notice that I can only see quotes for Three out of the five weeks on my Option board. Why is this?
How do I put the mobile version on my Phone?
If I get a fill of an exchange supported spread is it possible to view the individual legs of that spread?
I have been using the simulated version and I am now going to go live. Is there a way to transfer my layout to the live version so I do not have to rebuild my layout?
How Can I set the days for a Simple Moving Average?
The study called Pivot Point, also draws R1, R2...etc S1, S2...etc. What are those (how are they calculated)?
I just traded a Calendar spread and I would like to know is there a way to see the leg fills the spread?
Does your platform calculate spread margin? Let's say a client does a calendar spread on the ESU1. Does your risk software calculate per leg or per spread?
After downloading t4 I get an error message Error occurered while logging in: System.ArgumentException: Font 'Arial' does not support style 'regular'.
Is there a way I can save more than one screen layout? For example when I trade from my laptop in my office I would want the charts and contracts in one layout, but when I'm at home I may only want to see only the charts and one contract ladder.
.NET framework now has a version 4. Will that version work with CTS?
Is it possible that I can trade several different accounts simultaneously with CTS T4?
I just bought a new computer, and I am unable to save my settings to my computer and my charts are stuck just saying loading.
Is it possible that I can trade several different accounts simultaneously with CTS T4? What I mean with simultaneously is this: When clicking e.g. on the buy button a buy order for 10 contracts should be sent to account A, a buy order for 3 contracts should be sent to account B and a buy order for 1 contract should be sent to account C, all at the same time. Is that possible?
On my option board I went to my preference tab and added cleared volume...Can you tell me what the number means? Is it different than the total traded column?
I use DDE links, can I pull in the BID/ASK PRICE in TICKS?

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